To send messages to several contacts at the same time on WhatsApp we can create a group and talk to them. But this can go against the will of your contacts, who generally do not want to have many active WhatsApp groups, plus you can incur problems related to the privacy of your contacts. So to send a message to multiple contacts on WhatsApp at the same time you have another option, broadcast lists. If you didn't know what these lists are, keep reading. I'll tell you what they are for and how you can create them..
You can send messages to multiple contacts at the same time on WhatsApp
If you want to send a single message to several people on WhatsApp, avoiding creating groups, you have broadcast lists. These lists They will allow you to send messages to multiple contacts at the same time and privately. In other words, it's like opening a contact's chat and sending a message, but to several contacts at the same time. And it is that Each of your contacts on these broadcast lists will receive the message as a personal chat, so no one knows who else you've sent the message to.
The latter is extremely important since it is possible that you do not want the rest of your contacts to know who you are writing this message to. It's something that It is widely used in professional fields such as webinars or courses where users do not have to know the phone number of the rest of the members. You should know that these lists accommodate up to 256 contacts, enough for almost everything we can imagine.
Furthermore, at the corporate or business level, It is important that you segment your customers since you may need to modify the message to personalize it for each contact. Following the same example of the webinar, there may be advanced students who have passed a part of the lesson and do not need to receive notifications of the passed lesson. So what you should do is create several lists depending on how you want to organize these contacts.
Although if you are using a WhatsApp business account, you will know that you can add tags to your clients for this same thing. So if you already have your contacts segmented and you want to send messages to those contacts separately, You will simply have to tap on the three vertical options dots when creating the broadcast list and touching where it says «Send message to clients»
How to create a broadcast list on WhatsApp
Before telling you how these lists are created, you should know that if a contact you want to send a message to using this method does not have you in their contact list, they will not receive the message. Make sure they have you on their contact list beforehand to make communication effective. Now that you know this limitation of broadcast lists, let's see step by step how to create them so that your message reaches several at the same time from WhatsApp.
- Open WhatsApp and tap on the menu button represented by three dots in the upper right corner.
- Choose "New broadcast«.
- Choose all the contacts one by one to whom you want to send the message
- You will see a green check button, press it.
- Write your message and send it. All recipients will receive the message as if it were an individual chat.
Ready, all selected contacts will receive the message you have written. You can modify the list of recipients in the broadcast list at any time from the options, as always from the button marked with three dots in WhatsApp. And if not all your contacts appear, remember that you can update the contact list.
Now, I must warn you of the problems that using this WhatsApp functionality without care can cause. And you must be careful, because although broadcast lists are very useful in many situations, They also have their risks. Imagine you share something sensitive and you choose the wrong broadcast list. Someone who shouldn't see that information can receive it and depending on what that information is like, you could end up having a problem.
For this reason, I recommend that you make several well-studied lists to avoid sending messages to contacts by mistake. I hope this advice has been useful to you to send your message to several at the same time and the entire guide to make broadcast lists on WhatsApp. Remember that You have the possibility to share this article with those who have added you to WhatsApp groups just to send you a message. They don't do it that way again.